Ann Stephenson
Art that I create is colorful and vibrant with variances in textural design. Working with alcohol ink offers little control yet I manipulate the medium by using various techniques and tools to create the elements I have in mind. My collages generally start with some form of direction and color scheme but ultimately the flow, placement of shapes and layers dictate the end result; like a puzzle, arranging them until they fit visually on the substrate. I create and impose shapes inspired by nature or geometric shapes. Each element being created on its own before coming together to form one cohesive piece. While each work is contemporary and abstract in style, the art may also allow the viewer to see elements of nature within each piece.
Making art is in my blood. At a very early age nature and color was in my creations from birds to landscapes to abstracts. Bold, bright colors make me feel happy and alive. Alcohol inks with their unpredictable nature is very interesting and fun to create a design. The possibilities are endless using them alone or incorporating them with other mediums for my collages.