Jesse Bellavance
Bellavance Ink
I grew up in a family of artists with my Mom being a potter and my Dad a fine arts professor. I always liked drawing for fun but I never really devoted any significant time to it until later in life. In 2010 I started a small company, which required me to generate graphics using computer software such as Adobe Illustrator/Photoshop. However I really wanted to be able to draw my graphics first and then import into the software to manipulate.
So in 2015 I began the process of teaching myself how to draw. I followed the advice found in the book, “Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain” by Betty Edwards.
I started first with a pencil, but I found it to be too messy for me and switched to Micron Waterproof ink pens. From that point forward I began drawing faces, then moved on to people, cars, basically anything I saw of interest. Three years later my favorite subjects for drawing are landscapes, buildings, and then just whimsical funny drawings. I will sometimes employ watercolors but for the most part they are black and white ink drawings.
I even did my own self-published children’s book called “The Sneeze”. It is about how one old man’s sneeze causes a chain of events that save the world. I do accept work on commission.